How We Can Help You
Eyes & Ears
During WW2, thousands of paratroopers dropped into war zones with one simple mission: Assess and conquer the enemy. Likewise, we enter your business arena with one aim: Discover how to WIN!
Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important that knowledge." In other words, your business is just one idea removed from success. We are experts in developing innovative strategies to help you succeed.
In terms of progress, human civilization is measured by the tools we create. Recently, the pace of innovation has only accelerated. We can help you leverage these tools for your business. Emerge from the Stone Age.
How We Can Help You
Eyes & Ears
During WW2, thousands of paratroopers dropped into war zones with one simple mission: Assess and conquer the enemy. Likewise, we enter your business arena with one aim: Discover how to WIN!
Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important that knowledge." In other words, your business is just one idea removed from success. We are experts in developing innovative strategies to help you succeed.
In terms of progress, human civilization is measured by the tools we create. Recently, the pace of innovation has only accelerated. We can help you leverage these tools for your business. Emerge from the Stone Age.
The Strategic Advantage
To quote Vince Lombardi, "Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." You didn't establish your business to get creamed in the marketplace. You have some great ideas and the hope to succeed. Sometimes, however, market forces beyond your understanding can make your goals difficult to achieve. What to do?
You don't need to settle for mediocrity or toss your dreams out the window. The strategic advantage you seek is just one idea away from enabling you to crack the code of success. Briar Patch Consulting can help you gain the upper hand through our research techniques.
There's an old saying, "Don't work harder. Work smarter." Brains trump brawn. Your success lies just beneath the things you think you already know.

The Strategic Advantage
To quote Vince Lombardi, "Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." You didn't establish your business to get creamed in the marketplace. You have some great ideas and the hope to succeed. Sometimes, however, market forces beyond your understanding can make your goals difficult to achieve. What to do?
You don't need to settle for mediocrity or toss your dreams out the window. The strategic advantage you seek is just one idea away from enabling you to crack the code of success. Briar Patch Consulting can help you gain the upper hand through our research techniques.
There's an old saying, "Don't work harder. Work smarter." Brains trump brawn. Your success lies just beneath the things you think you already know.
Failure Is A Great Teacher
In business, failure is not the opposite of success. No, it's a necessary part of success. There is one caveat, however. You can't bury your head in the sand and allow your failures to continue unabated. Without out a doubt, the lack of success can leave you feeling defeated and desolated. Don't give up. After all, we're here to help.

Learn From Your Competition
Reconnaissance missions are not limited to the military arena. Similarly, it's important to realize that your competition is already studying you. Right now, there are forces in the marketplace that may be impacting your growth, perhaps even your long-term survival.
We should never view competition negatively, i.e. the ugly side of business. In the sports world, competition ups the level of athletic performance of everyone. It improves the game and keeps the fans engaged.
Sooner or later, an outstanding product or service will challenge your business model. Business development is the process of keeping your team in the game. At Briar Patch Consulting, we love to win!
Learn From Your Competition

Reconnaissance missions are not limited to the military arena. Similarly, it's important to realize that your competition is already studying you. Right now, there are forces in the marketplace that may be impacting your growth, perhaps even your long-term survival.
We should never view competition negatively, i.e. the ugly side of business. In the sports world, competition ups the level of athletic performance of everyone. It improves the game and keeps the fans engaged.
Sooner or later, an outstanding product or service will challenge your business model. Business development is the process of keeping your team in the game. At Briar Patch Consulting, we love to win!